
Life Coaching is all about you.
You set the agenda and we explore it together while setting attainable actions and goals that can make a big difference in your everyday life.

  • Each Life Coaching session consists of setting a goal, exploring possibilities, and creating actionable steps to meet that goal. In addition to Enneagram, Teens, and Parenting, my areas of expertise include family, marriage, separation, divorce, grief and loss, faith-based issues, adults caring for parents, and life transitions.

  • Understanding your Enneagram type can be a powerful tool in improving relationships and deepening connections. It helps us discover who we are and why we see and relate to the world in the way we do. By identifying and exploring your Enneagram type, we will examine your thinking, feeling, and doing habits to empower you to make the changes you want in your life.

  • Being a teenager has never been easy! Today’s world is even more confusing and tough. Navigating the ups and downs of junior high or high school with a Life Coach can help ease the journey to adulthood. Teen Life Coaching is goal-driven and outcome-oriented. And, it is a safe place for your teen to be heard and validated.

  • Enneagram for Leaders is a workshop using the wisdom of the Enneagram to strengthen and grow leaders in your organization.

    Schedule a free call to learn more here.


Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed by day-to-day challenges? If you’re looking to take full control of your life and dedicate just one hour a week to focused, personalized support, one-on-one coaching can make a significant difference.

Let’s work together to design a personalized coaching package
just for you!

If you’ve been struggling to determine your Enneagram Type or even if you know your type but want to go deeper, then consider this Enneagram Typing Package. Clients will take the IeQ9 online assessment (that is 90% valid and reliable) followed up with three one on one debriefing and coaching sessions.

Cost includes Assessment: $500


  • The International Coaching Federation describes coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their potential.”

  • Coaching sessions are focused on the present and consist of identifying problems, setting goals, and creating action plans. Active listening and goal-oriented questioning guides each session resulting in a customized plan to meet the specific needs of the client.

    What Coaching Looks Like

  • Life coaching is based on the science of positive psychology, which puts an emphasis on deep meaning and satisfaction versus temporary feelings of happiness. Through the use of strategies such as goal setting and feedback, challenges can be identified and positive changes can be made. Life coaching also involves supporting and offering accountability to the client as they progress.

  • The Enneagram is a system of personality that defines nine different types which are universally connected. It has similarities to other personality typing constructs but differentiates itself by examining the multiple layers of our personalities through our motivations, fears, and how we see the world. These layers lead us to a deeper understanding of our imperfectness and how we can find a path to wholeness. For more info please check out this blog post.

  • Enneagram Coaching consists of identifying your Enneatype and setting goals related to furthering self-knowledge and personal growth. Enneagram knowledge can have a strong impact on relationships and overall personal effectiveness.

  • I have a Masters of Education in Counseling and served as a Professional School Counselor for over 20 years working with a wide range of students and parents. I am a certified Life Coach through Certified Life Coach Institute and am working towards credentialing through the International Coaching Federation. I am a member of the 2024 LTM Enneagram Cohort with Suzanne Stabile and am also pursuing a certification with The Narrative Enneagram. In addition, I am a certified parent educator through Positive Discipline.

  • Therapy or counseling is a state-licensed profession that directly diagnoses and helps clients navigate mental health challenges. While there are present-based therapy models, therapists are authorized to go into a client's past to help them explore their present.

    Coaching, in contrast, is a present-based service that does not diagnose or treat mental illness. It is common for those in counseling or therapy to maintain a coaching relationship as long as the goals remain in a coaching sphere.

  • Life coaching sessions are usually not covered by insurance because it is not a clinical service. Check with your insurance company to see if any coverage is available. Some Flexible Spending Accounts and Employee Assistance Programs will cover Coaching through reimbursement.