When Lemon Cake isn’t Good Enough….
Karen Peery Karen Peery

When Lemon Cake isn’t Good Enough….

My mother-in-law made the best lemon cake.  It was moist, sweet, with a touch of tart, and very lemony.  It was an old-school, made-from-scratch cake with self-rising flour!  I tried making it once, but it didn’t turn out quite like hers. I abandoned the recipe for an easier Lemon Poppyseed Cake using a yellow cake mix.  My cake was moist with a similar lemony taste. 

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Finding Balance
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Finding Balance

The Enneagram is a dynamic tool that can bring balance to our lives. Not only does it help us understand why we do what we do and how that is linked to our core motivation, but it also shows us which intelligence center - thinking, doing, or feeling - we use first and most.

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Not Brain Rot?!
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Not Brain Rot?!

On January 1st several years ago, I asked my children if they were going to set any resolutions for the New Year. My six-year-old daughter, Brooke, replied, “I want to love more.”  Every New Year’s Day since, I fondly remember this and feel encouraged by her innocent yet profound words.

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Are You for Real?
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Are You for Real?

Who are you?  Who am I?  Who are we?  And are we for real?  We can become so concerned with doing that we often forget who we really are.

That introduction takes my brain straight to singing the lyrics from The Who’s “Who are you?” song:

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Enneagram-based Coaching
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Enneagram-based Coaching

Life coaching in general can sound a bit “woo-woo.” Life coaching using the Enneagram may sound even more “woo-woo” to you if you are not familiar with the framework and structure the Enneagram provides in understanding personality and behavior.

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Every Breath You Take
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Every Breath You Take

Breath is the foundation of life. When we are born, the first thing we do is inhale. And, exhaling is the last thing we do before death. Breathing crosses all cultural, language, and race barriers because we all breathe to live. It is a connection we have with each other, a mixing and intertwining between all living things.

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Book Review:  Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Book Review: Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

A few years back, I would have scoffed at reading a book about the second half of life thinking it was about aging and dying. I’m making some progress because this book spoke to me about how rich and full the second half of life can be when we let go of all the things we built in the first half. “Falling Upward” is a strange concept, although I have fallen up stairs a few times. Falling up is much better than falling down, there is less force and momentum. In life, we are all falling, one way or another. Entering the second half of life by letting go of the first half helps us to be able “to fall into the good, the true, the beautiful — to fall into God.”

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New Year. Same You. Same Me.
Karen Peery Karen Peery

New Year. Same You. Same Me.

I love Brene Brown’s simple but profound words, “You are enough.” She goes on to say, “Believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic.” Maybe 2024 is the year of discovering or re-discovering your goodness and authenticity. Maybe this new year is about slowing down, breathing, and living in each moment — fully being, fully loving, and fully enough.

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Tips to Conquering Holiday Overwhelm
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Tips to Conquering Holiday Overwhelm

We look forward to the holidays all year long. We love the magic of decorations, the joy of parties, the peace that comes when friends and family gather, the good food, the giving and receiving of gifts, and much more. But for many of us, even with our best intentions, we become overwhelmed during the holidays. Instead of peace and joy, we might experience exhaustion, frustration, and/or sadness. We have hustled and bustled, overspent, overindulged, had our feelings hurt, grieved missing loved ones, and are just tired. The holidays can be overwhelming!

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Living Ourselves into Change
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Living Ourselves into Change

We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking. ~Richard Rohr

What is keeping you from making the changes you want in life?

Many things vie for the opportunity to keep us stuck. Overthinking and roller coaster thoughts are one way that prevent us from finding change. Rumination can keep us dwelling on experiences, relationships, unmet goals, failures, and more. When this happens, we often cannot find the off switch to our thoughts and we stay where we are, not moving forward, not progressing, and not becoming all we can be.

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What is the Enneagram?
Karen Peery Karen Peery

What is the Enneagram?

How the Enneagram can foster understanding of self and others.

The Enneagram of Personality Types is a framework of nine universal personalities that describe how people see and react to the world. It was first developed by the monastic Desert Fathers and Mothers during the 3rd century in Northern Africa and has been expanded on for centuries by spiritual leaders from many different backgrounds including Christian, Jewish, and Muslim.

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Teaching our Kids Coping Skills
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Teaching our Kids Coping Skills

Since life is full of ups and downs, having healthy coping skills is a must. One of the best ways to instill healthy coping skills to our kids is by modeling them.


I can recall hearing these words as a child and having big feelings about the unfairness of the world. I also remember the (hopefully) unsaid words on the tip of my tongue, “Why should I have to do this if you don’t” in response.

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Stress & Your Teen
Karen Peery Karen Peery

Stress & Your Teen

Being a teenager in today's world is tough. They have to navigate the big world stuff going on along with the normal teen problems like relationships, dating, sexual identity, school pressures, extracurriculars, social media, and more. The stress can pile up whether it is good stress or bad stress. Good stress helps us meet deadlines, make good choices, and be on a growth path. Bad stress can be debilitating and affect our minds and our bodies.

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My Name is Karen!
Karen Peery Karen Peery

My Name is Karen!

Once I was at a restaurant waiting to be seated. We were told there were no tables and we would have to wait. But, then several other parties came in and got seated- and this was not the reservation taking type of restaurant. After about 20 minutes I approached the hostess. She was not particularly helpful and asked me if I’d like to speak to the manager. She then innocently asked, “What’s your name?” I said, “Nevermind,” and quietly sulked back to my waiting spot.

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